I must say that I do prefer fruit with seeds in.
Fruit, for me has a lovely symbiotic relationship with fruit eaters.
We savour the delights of fruit and in return we can spread the plant's seeds.
Fruit without seeds, changes this symbiotic relationship. We eat the fruit and then what?? No seeds to plant in return.
Fruit is made lush by the parent plant to entice us to eat, in the hope that the seeds will be spread and even fertilized!
No seeds and we renge on the deal.
Also it seems kind of inapproriate to me; here is this plant doing its best to create delish fruit so its seeds get spread and guess what there are no seeds.
So I stick with the most pippy Mandarins and Oranges I can. They also seem to make the greatest juice. Seeds to me give a fruit power and life; they contain that magical undefinable element of potential New Life.
A single seed can grow and prosper into a fine and beautiful tree; bringing food , shelter and shade to the local environment.
Tree planting rocks and seeds kind of help this process along.
Humans breed seedless fruit for our convenience but sometimes vital elements are lost in the name of 'progress' and an easy life.
We break that cycle and that connection of fruit eating and seed dispersal.
Man and woman are not islands, our lives are intricately entwined with every other species and life form on this Planet; by cutting some of those ties we not only loose connection with Nature but we loose something rare and special in our everyday lives.
Wishing you great fruit - with lots of pips!
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