(the land processor, rigid, and cooperative)
People with blood A type need food as natural as possible to strengthen their body immune and prevent incoming chronic diseases. Thus, they are better to be vegetarian by consuming vegetables. They can consume almost all kinds of vegetables because vegetables are sources of minerals, enzyme, and anti occident. Kinds of good vegetables for blood A type people are broccoli, carrot, pumpkin, spinach and leek. Those vegetables are to strengthen body immune system because they contain Kuersetin (strong anti oksidan)
One tablespoon of olive oil in vegetables salad that is steamed before can help digestion system of blood A type people. Olive oil contains insatiate fat that has good effect on heart and help decreasing blood cholesterol.
Sausage: foods from meat such as sausage contains nitrate that cause stomach cancer for those with blood A type.
However, there are some vegetables, maces, and kinds of peas to avoid by blood A type people. They include cabbages, tomatoes, pepper, potatoes, and corms / parsnips. Those vegetables contribute negative effect on digestion channels.
Meat should not appear in the food menu of blood A type people. They are better avoiding to consume ham, sausage, and frozen meat. They are all containing nitrate that can cause stomach cancer for people with blood A type as they have less stomach acid. Despite, there are some fishes to avoid. They are fishes with white meat such as squid, flounder fish, frog, crab, and eel. Those kinds of food contain lektin that irritate digestion channels. Thus, it is good to avoid instant food such as instant noodle and frozen meat.
Egg: those with blood A type have to limit their consuming of egg because they can not appropriately digest egg.
People with blood A type can consume a small number of fermented milk product. However, they must avoid fresh milk and limit consuming egg because their digestion system is not good for these two types of food. They can consume milk product such as yoghurt, kefir, raw cream without fat, and other fermented milk products. Fresh milk of goat is good substitute for fresh milk of beef.
Due to the minimum animal protein consumed by those with blood A type, legumes and bulks become important protein components. It is suggested that they better consuming more peanuts with its skin because they contain lektin to destroy cancer. Blood A type people who have problem with their bile are suggested to consume a small portion of peanuts jam as often as possible. Soy products such as soy bean cake, soy milk, and soy cheese are also suggested to consume.
When blood A type people are in flu, asthma, or suffer from infection are suggested to limit consuming oat products because oats triggering mucus production. Soy powder and rice powder are used to substitute oats.
Blood A type people can consume many kinds of fruit. However, they are suggested to consume common fruit such as melon because it helps balancing stomach acid. In addition, pineapple is also good for their digestion channels to help digestion process and cleaning up the mucus.
Bloody A type people should not consume tropical fruits such as mango, papaya because those fruits cause irritation on stomach. Orange also need to be avoided as it blocks important minerals. However, tangerine, and kiwi bring positive effects on stomach. Tangerine and kiwi are rich of vitamin C that is good for body immune, and preventing stomach cancer.
In contrast, lektin in banana disturbs digestion channels of blood A type people. Thus, substitute banana with fruits that are rich of potassium such as watermelon seeds, guava, and melon.
Garlic is good for strengthening body immune system and good natural antibiotic for blood. Garlic is useful and beneficial for all blood types. However, blood A type people have to careful in consuming them because their body immune system become penetrable to some diseases. Vinegar is also need to be avoided because of it acidity. Blood A type people are allowed to consume chocolate and sugar but in a very small number.
Papaya: is not good for blood A type people as it causes stomach irritation.
Supplement or vitamin is also needed by blood A type people. The main purposes of using vitamins are to strengthen body immune system, preventing infection, increasing the function of heart and blood pipe. The following are vitamins suggested for those with blood A type:
Vitamin B12
Blood A type people must be aware of lacking vitamin B12 because they get difficulties in absorbing this vitamin. The cause is the lack of intrinsic factor. It is produced by stomach wall to help absorbing vitamin B12 into the blood. For older bloody A type people, deficiency of vitamin B12 causes losing memory or dimensia sinilis and other nerve damages.
To get vitamin B12, they can consume animal protein. Those of them who suffers from heart attack can consume niacin supplement (complex B vitamin) in low doses because niacin help decreasing cholesterol concentrate.
Vitamin C
Blood A type people are penetrable by stomach cancer because their low concentrate of stomach acid. Thus, vitamin C is useful for them to prevent nitrate in body. Nitrate resulted from roasted meat and are kept in salt can cause cancer.
Vitamin E
There is proof that vitamin E can give protection toward heart attack and cancer. Blood A type people can consume vitamin E once a day, but not more than 400 IU.
A number of supporting calcium (300 – 600 mg elemental calcium) are suggested for blood A type people who are in their middle age to elder. Commonly, thy tolerate nitrate calcium, and the best is lactate calcium. According to Dr. James D’ Adamo, bad calcium sources for blood A type people is carbonate calcium. In this condition, calcium needs more stomach acid for absorption.
Blood A type people food commonly contain small number of ferrum because they are mostly suggested to consume vegetables, while ferrum is mostly found in red meat. Blood A type women especially who are in long menstruation period, must be careful toward their ferrum stocks. It is suggested for them to avoid blood supplement food contain ferrum as it causes stomach irritation.
Giving a small dose of zinc supplement (3 mg a day) to blood A type kids can give them protection on ear infection. However, there should be awareness. Zinc supplement is like double-edged sword. In short timed small dose usage, zinc will increase body immune system, while in the long run usage and high dose endanger body immune system and disturbing in absorbing other minerals.
Selenium is part of body immune mechanism. It is useful to fight cancer. Selenium is mainly found in supplement, however; the usage should not be excessive because it causes poisoned.
Be careful in consuming vitamin A in high dose.
Recent research has found that high dose of beta carotene supplement quickening body network damages. Thus, blood A type people need to substitute beta carotene and consume high dose of karotenoid . karotenoid is found in vegetables especially carrots.
Along with the human age, body capability in dissolving vitamin in fat is decreasing. Elders can consume low dose of vitamin A supplement (10.000 IU a day) to prevent aging effects and cure body immune system.
Suggested vegetables for blood A type.
It is important to notice that people with blood A type grow better with vegetables based foods (vegetarian). Sensitive blood A type need to get food as natural as possible, fresh, and organic to strengthen body immune system to prevent any kinds of dangerous diseases.
Good vegetables for blood A type people are carrot, pumpkin, and spinach. Onion is also strengthening body immune system because it contains high antioksidan. Olive oil contains insatiate fat that has positive effect on heart and can reduce blood cholesterol. The following are good vegetables for blood A type people:
radish, carrot, garlic, peterseli, onion, mushroom of maitake, spinach, asparagus, beet, sprout, young ferny, ginger, peppercorn, sea algae, maize, ercis, cress, string bean, cucumber, flower of cabbage, clasp mushroom, water cress.
Cabbage, potatoes, shitake mushroom, parsnips, tomatoes, and eggplant.
Suggested fruits for blood A type
All kinds of berries, any kinds of plum, apple, kiwi, strawberry, pineapple, lemon, melon, watermelon, grapes, avocado, star fruit, pear, guava, yellow pumpkin, peach, and ruby.
horn banana, tangerine, papaya, mango, coconut, coconut mink, lemon.
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