I guess that over the past few years a big part of my life has been the mighty Orange, in the form of fresh squeezed Orange juice.
During the past 17 years that I have been on the fruit diet I have had some cool times with O.J.
The first session was on a trip to Portugal in the Northern Spring 1993.
I spent 9 days living off tree ripened Navels and Wild Mandarins.
What I found was that my health excelled and I felt cleansed and rejuvenated.
Since then I have kind of gravitated towards Orange Juice ,rather than the whole fruit.
O.J just works better for me, personally.
In March 1995, I spent the Month in Malta, and apart for one or two days of mixed fruit, I lived off Sicillian Blood Oranges and their juice for the entire holiday.
I felt renewed and euphoric as if I walked with light and springy fairy steps.
The sun and light and beauty of Valetta, the capital, only enhanced my experience.
In the Summer of 1995, I went for 52 days on Orange Juice. This was a turning point in my fruitarian diet, afterwards I just felt that fruit was doing me so much more good. I never thought about this possible consequence when I started out on the juice. It was more of a deep feeling that came to me when I finished the 52 days.
What I did notice was that I needed to eat much less fruit, and especially more concentrated fruit; such as Avocados and dried fruit, to fulfill my energy needs .
I think that this may be because I cleansed my intestines and so was assimilating my fruit more efficiently.
Since then I have done a 26 day O.J fest in May 2007, 40 days for Lent in 2008 and I have just done 16 days in July 2008.
I am just getting so much from Orange juice at the moment, and I find that the more Orange Juice diets that I carry out, the less weight I loose and also the less juice I need to consume to stay healthy and happy.
When I am on juice I feel happy, invincable, strong; a fruit warrior, I feel a deep trust in the World and the Universe and a strong sense that Life really is Wonderful.
Love and fruitfulness,
from Anne XX.
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