Food pattern of Blood O typeHigh protein food and strong digestion system make people with blood O type can survive from the impact of metabolism (ketosis) changes that is influenced by environmental changes. ketosis is the result of metabolism change of high protein food and high fat with little carbohydrate.
In human body, protein and fat are used substitute glucose in blood to stable health blood composition. Mixture of ketosis, calorie drop, and stable physical activities result those who have blood O type have strong body endurance. Beef, chicken, and fish which are not impure by chemicals support more body endurance for people with blood O type.
People with blood O type must be careful with products of milk. Milk, especially cow milk, contains high fat. This becomes problem since blood O type have difficulties in changing fat into energy. As the substitution, they can consume soymilk.
Blood O type able to response oil and fat properly. Oil and fat are important nutrient sources for body. They help human excretion process. The examples of good oil to consume are olive oil and beans oil that contains omega oil. Those kinds of oil bring positive impact on heart and venous, and decrease blood cholesterol.
Stocks of vegetable protein can be increased through consuming legumes and bulks. However, sometimes legumes cause problems in digestion for those with blood O type. thus, it is suggested for them to always enough chew their food, especially to those who suffers from large intestine troubles.
Those with blood O type should avoid vegetables and peas like beans. Both of them contain lektin that is under muscle networks that cause it not too sour. If lektin is not used, it will cause pain like rheumatic. To replace it, try to get protein from beef.
Despite beans, cabbages also cause troubles to those with blood O type. This vegetables block the function of tiroid. Green leave vegetables that is rich of vitamin K. for example; broccoli and asparagus. They are good for people with blood O type.
Those with blood O type can not tolerate oats. Oats contain lektin that react to blood and digestion channel, and bothering food extract absorption. Oat products are the main cause body weight gain of people with blood O type. Gluten in oats bother metabolism process because it slow down the process of food absorption to be changed into energy that eventually kept under the skin in form of fat that cause obesity. Bread causes problems to people with blood O type because they contain oats powder.
People with blood O type can consume many kinds of fruits. Despite fiber sources, vitamin and minerals, fruit can replace bread as well. However, there are some fruits to avoid such as sweet orange and tangerine because they contain high acid and will poison intestine. Fruits can be served in form of juices.
If you want to drink fruit juice, chose fruit with high sugar like apple. Despite, pineapple can also help reduce the outing of body liquid (liquid retention) through skin and flatulent. However, vegetables juice are more suggested than fruit juice. Those with blood O type must be careful in drinking coffee because it raises the concentration of intestine acid since people with blood O type already produce high acid.
Food, supplement, vitamins, and minerals are not always give benefit to everyone. Useful supplement for those with other than blood O type is not always beneficial for blood O type. Sometimes it is dangerous. The purpose of using supplement is to strengthen the immune system of human body of blood O type people.
Good Vitamins for blood O type.
Vitamin B 12Vitamin B 12 and high concentration of folat acid and supported by enough exercise can cure depression and hyperactive. Those vitamins are responsible in DNA development.
Vitamin KBlood O type people have less blood freezer factor, which cause disparity in uncommon bleeding. They have to be sure that their foods contain vitamin K.
CalciumBlood O type people must have more calcium in their foods because their food can not contain milk as mineral resources. They tend to suffer from joint pain and arthritis so that the need of supplement like calcium become important. High doses of calcium supplement (600 – 1.100 mg elemental calcium) is needed by every blood O type people especially during growth period (2 – 5 years old and 9 – 12 years old), and by women after menopause.
Iodium People with blood O type tend to have unstable tiroid metabolism because they lack of Iodium. This causes weight gain, liquid retention, and tired. Iodium is the only mineral producing tiroid hormone. Although Iodium supplement is not suggested, the sufficient amount of Iodium must still exist for people with blood O type when they are committing diet.
Manganese People with blood O type are difficult to find manganese in their food because manganese is mainly found in complete Serelia and peas. They suffers from chronic joint pain (especially in back bottom and ankle). The usage of supplement must be carefully observed by the doctor because it can cause poisoned.
Vitamin APeople with blood O type should not consume vitamin A without consulting the doctor first because they tend to suffer from late blood freezing. This supplement rises blood thinning. To substitute it, they can consume fish, spinach, carrot, yellow pumpkin, and tomatoes.
Vitamin EBlood O type people are not suggested to have vitamin E supplement because this supplement can slowing down the blood freezing process. To replace it, they can get vitamin E from sprout, green peanut, and tomatoes.
Suggested vegetables for blood O type Green leave vegetables that are rich of vitamin K such as broccoli is good for blood O type people. Vitamin K is good for producing blood. Other suggested vegetables are:
beet, water cress, mushroom, onion, parsley, gourd, radish, spinach, frizzy cress, red peppercorn box, carrot, tomato, young ferny, chilly, eggplant, celery, potato, pepper, fennel, cabbages, dandelion.
AbstentionAlfalfa, aloe, avocado, flower of cabbage, corn, cucumber, mustard, and shitake mushroom.
Suggested fruits for blood O type Pineapple, plum, papaya, grapes, banana, lemon, pear, guava, mango, apple, melon, water melon, star fruit, peach, and strawberry.
AbstentionKiwi, honey, melon, horn, banana, coconut, coconut mink, and tangerine.