(full of mystery, small sum in the world, combination of harmony, rapid changes, and high spirituality)
The main considered factor of blood AB type people is the over production of mucus. They suffer from breath pipe, sinus, or ears infection. They better reduce consuming milk products. They better consuming rice instead of pasta. However, they still can consume spinach pasta once or twice a week. They also need to avoid oats.
Those with blood AB need to limit their consumption of meat because they produce insufficient acid in their stomach to process animal protein. The key is meat food in a small portion but regularly. It is better for them to consume lamb, rabbit, and turkey than beef.
Chicken flesh/meat cause problems on digestion system of blood AB type people.
Blood AB type people should avoid chicken flesh/meat because it contains lektin that cause problems in digestion system. However, many of sea food are good to consume. Sea food should be main menu of them, they can consume Tuna, salmon, and sardine.
Those with blood AB type have historical family diseases such as bosom cancer. However, they can solve it by consuming Helix Pomatia. Helix contains strong lektin that is effective to separate cells which look like mutated blood A type cells in form of bosom cancer. This is a positive separation in which lektin kills the diseased cells.
Kinds of peas and seeds are dilemma for blood AB type. Peas and seeds contain lektin that block insulin. They can consume peas and seeds but in a small number. They better consuming peanuts.
Fresh vegetables are important sources of phyto chemic. It is natural material in food that can prevent heart diseases and cancer. Those two diseases frequently suspect blood AB type as the effect of the lack of body immune. Thus, they should consume fresh vegetables.
Fresh vegetables are good to consume by blood AB type people to avoid the effect of heart diseases and cancer.
Fruits consumed by blood AB type people should be such as grapes, plum, and berries. Lemon is also good to clean mucus from digestion pipes. Since vitamin C is good for body immune, consume fruits that are rich of vitamin C such as tangerine and kiwi. Red grape/whine is also good for them because it gives positive effects to heart and vein. Minimally a glass of red grape juice is believed to effectively reduce the risk of heart diseases for male and female.
Lektin in banana cause problems to their digestion. Thus, it is better to avoid banana. It is recommended to substitute it with other rich of potassium such as apricot, fig, and melon. Lemon juice mixed with warm water and drink it in the morning, can clean and get rid off mucus that is built during sleeping. Lemon extract also good to clean dirty materials in the body.
Blood AB type people can consume sea salt and kelp to get natrium. Beside, kelp gives good benefits for heart and body immune. Kelp also good to control weight gain. They need to avoid pepper and vinegar because of their acid. To replace vinegar, its better to drink juice from acid fruits such as lemon juice, herbals for salad. Don’t be afraid to use garlic. Garlic is a strong natural tonic and antibiotic.
Blood AB type people are allowed to consume chocolate and sugar in a small number. Blood AB type people need to avoid acid as it cause stomach cancer. It is also important to avoid sausage, vinegar, and everything contain maize.
Green tea provides benefits to body immune. Milk product, especially which are fermented such as butter milk, yogurt, kefir, and raw cream also bring good effect on blood AB type. Strawberry leaves can help in absorbing ferrum and prevent anemia.
Those of blood AB type should consume herbal tea to increase body immune system and to protect body from heart diseases, blood pipes, and cancer. Herbals such as alfalfa, aloe, chamomile, and Echinacea are increasing body immune system. Cinnamon root is highly recommended for heart health and blood pipe. Kinds of drink containing ginger and rosella are also food to increase stamina for those with blood AB type.