I felt that I did indeed have the 'Pot of Gold' at the end of the Rainbow because I had bags of organic Oranges on the bus seat next to me!
We had a great Orange hunt; found Blood Navels and really delicious Organic Navels at the wholefood Co-op. The Organic Navels had won best in show at the recent Maleny Show, and they were indeed sweet as.
I have been having just so much energy today on the Oranges, I did my morning work out and the weights seemed lighter in my hands and I felt very flexible doing my sit-ups and crunches.
I am not sure how far I will ride this train, but I have a houseful of Oranges and I am definitely buzzing today.
I feel very happy too.
Love and Peaches XX
Breakfast—3 naturally-grown Mandarins, juiced in my mouth
Lunch—a large fresh squeezed Orange juice from a Juice Bar, the juice of 2 organic Blood Navels and 2 organic navels, juiced in my mouth.
Snackaroo—the juice of 3 Mandarins, juiced in my mouth
Tea—the juice of 5 organic Oranges, through the Breville Juicer, 2 organic Blood Navels and 2 organic Navels, juiced in my mouth.
Love and sweet Peaches XX
Here is one of the prize-winning Organic Navels.
Reminds me of a lunar landscape—Planet Orange.
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