
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 19 Mono Orange Juice

Day 19.
The Biodynamic Oranges have finished for the moment, but there are plenty of great Organic ones at the local wholefood store for just $2 per kilo (2.2lbs). They seem low in acidity, nicely tree-ripened and with a good flavour.
This Orange juice diet, I have juiced the vast majority of my Oranges in my mouth.
The advantages to this are that I get to taste the individual flavour of each Orange, plus it is a nice slow way to savour the juice.
The disadvantage is that the Orange juice is in quite a bit of contact with my front teeth.
The Oranges I have been using are nice and ripe and I rinse my mouth with water afterward, and I floss my teeth—so I feeel that these factors will help to ensure a lack of damage to tooth enamel.

Fruity fare:
Morning—the juice of 12 Biodynamic Valencias (the last ones!)Juiced in my mouth
Afternoon—the juice of 10 Organic Valencias, juiced in my mouth.

The Organic Valencias, are also pretty small, but a wee bit bigger than the Biodynamic ones. Therefore, during this Orange juice diet, I am not taking more juice than usual, but using more Oranges because they are smaller.

40 minutes fast walking.

Have Beauty days ♥ ♥ ♥
Love and Peaches XX.

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