Happy National Nutrition Month! The theme of this month long event is "Eat Right With Color"... which I personally think is an awesome message. We know that people are not eating enough fruits and vegetables yet they provide important nutrients like: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber! Plus fruit and veggies are filling and have a relatively low calorie price tag (many are only 50 calories or less per serving). Check out these simple ways to add more color to your eating routine:
- Top blackened salmon with mango salsa.
- Add sliced avocado, tomatoes, onions, or dark leafy green lettuce to your sandwich.
- For snack: grab a small handful of walnuts and dried cranberries.
- Fill the bottom of your cereal bowl with sliced fruit like strawberries or bananas, this will help your bowl to seem full while keeping your portion of cereal in check.
- Instead of crackers, choose apple slices with low-fat cheese.
- Great side for lunch: red pepper slices with hummus (personal hummus favorite: roasted red pepper).
- Mix in fresh fruit to yogurt.
- Add a side of fruit at dinner like: applesauce, fresh berries, or sliced mango.
- Fill at least half of your plate at dinner with fruit and/or veggies!
- Add a handful of frozen veggies to prepared soups to up the veggie content!
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