Perhaps one of the easiest ways of knowing which foods are better than other is to become familiar with some culinary terms. Foods that are prepared without adding any extra fat are the better choices. Look for these words: baked, roasted, grilled, or poached. When fat is added in the cooking process, it ends up making the final product higher in fat, too. Avoid these words when ordering: fried, au gratin, or sautéed. Sauces can easily add several calories to dishes and not all are created equal in regards to fat content. If the pasta you are ordering has a cream sauce, it will be higher in fat than one that does not. The same rule can be applied to soups.
Be careful about ordering salads while on the road. The word “salad” is often synonymous with healthy eating, but not all salads deserve such a high rating. Many salads found in popular restaurants are loaded with high fat ingredients that take away the nutritional value of what you thought you were getting. Avoid salads with a lot of added cheese (a little is ok), bacon and other fried toppings, and ones that use an excessive amount of dressing. The salad should still be a majority of vegetables.Choosing foods that have been processed the least will likely be the better option. Fresh fruits and vegetables are almost always offered as a side instead of the usual French fries (or any other potato loaded with extra fat). I am not trying to be hard on potatoes, because they can have a place in a healthy diet as well. Remember what I mentioned earlier; look for the word “baked” with potato rather than “French fried” or “au gratin.”

I recommend packing a few snacks with you whenever you are on the road. You never know where you will be stopping and what will be offered, so being prepared with some tried and true snacks that are healthy and you tolerate well is a good idea. Snack ideas that would pack well include: fruit, crackers, bagels, energy bars, and nuts.
Staying well hydrated is another issue that could be overlooked while traveling. Carry a bottle of water with you so you can always have it available to you.
For many of you with smart phones, take advantage of the technology and look ahead at the nutrition facts. Many popular restaurants list them right on their website.
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