
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Kitchen Essentials

College is a fun time and is full of a lot of change. For many, it will be living on your own for the first time. Do you need a little help knowing what to stock in your kitchen? Being more prepared will only make it easier to cook at home, which helps make healthier choices and save money.

For the small kitchen:
  • 2 microwave safe mixing bowls: 1 large and 1 small
  • 9"x9' baking dish
  • 2 sharp knives: 1 paring knife and 1 larger knife for chopping, dicing, etc.
  • Liquid and dry measuring cups
  • Measuring spoons
  • Cutting board
  • 1 wooden spoon
  • 1 rubber spatula
  • Can opener
  • Bottle opener
  • Small hand grater or electric chopper
  • Aluminum foil
  • Plastic wrap
  • Resealable plastic bags
  • Sponge
  • Colander
  • Paper towels
  • Pot holder
For the full-sized kitchen:
  • All small kitchen items, plus:
  • 10" non-stick fry pan
  • 2 or 3 quart saucepan
  • Vegetable steamer
  • Toaster
  • Dishes, glasses, silverware 
Guest Blogger: Alyssa Koens, USD Dietetic Intern

Hydration - Before, During, and After

Before - Your body only needs to be dehydrated slightly to have a negative impact on performance, especially in the heat. Side effects of significant dehydration during sport include: decreased performance, strained cardiovascular system, premature fatigue, and increased risk for heat illness. This highlights why being properly hydrated before beginning a training session or competition is crucial for your body to perform safely and at its best. A simple way you can determine if you are drinking enough is by looking at the color and volume of your urine. Urine that is darker in color and low in volume can be a sign of significant dehyration. The goal is to have regular urinations that are light yellow in color. If you are making frequent stops at the bathroom with perfectly clear urine, it is probably a sign that you are drinking too much water.

During - Fluid and electrolyte (primarily sodium) losses during exercise can vary tremendously per individual and are also heavily influenced by environmental conditions, intensity of activity, age, and heat acclimatization state. Guidelines for fluid consumption during sport for adults is:
  • Drink about 6-12 fluid ounces of water or sports drink every 15-20 minues to maintain optimal hydration during activity. Keep in mind that one medium mouthful of water is equal to about one ounce.
After - After exercise, your body's primary dietary needs are water, carbohydrate, electrolytes (primarily sodium and chloride - salt), and protein for complete rehydration and muscle recovery. Sufficiently replenishing water, electrolytes and other nutrients is crucial for recovery from exercise, as well as overall health. With a little planning, you can make sure you are drinking enough fluid to optimize recovery. Measure your weight before exercise and then again afterward (without wearing your sweaty clothes). This will let you know how much more fluid you lost during exercise than what you consumed. For every one pound lost through sweating that was not replaced during training or competition, drink 16-20 fluid ounces over the next several hours or more to make up for the remaining fluid deficit. Eating a salty snack or meal is also beneficial, because it will help you repalce some of the sodium lost through sweating and will enhance fluid retention and distribution throughout your body - examples of appropriate foods include soup, vegetable juice, or pretzels.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Noni fruit with advertising part1

Today, Noni fruit has become the drug of choice has been very popular

Today, The noni fruit has become the drug of choice has been very popular. This may result from the properties of it in treating folk plus experience accumulated with the same passed down and scientific research are also considered to be fundamental properties of Noni juice or fruit. It expanded to the treatment of various diseases such as the website of the India about this fruit said it helps to reduce toxins in the body, make the cell to younger, the body is functioning normally.

Noni fruit can help control weight

Noni fruit can help control weight

This fruit can prevent bacteria and viruses, reduce pain, better absorption of food and medicine and strengthen the immune system. The noni fruit also helps control weight, makes sleep comfortably, control cells for the better and repair cells are degraded. It also helps the body heal itself better, reduce stress, makes calm mind and serenity, helps the digestive system work well and a good memory and concentration. Including, Noni fruit also helps to keep skin, hair and scalp. This fruit can reduce the risk of diseases associated with aging such as heart disease, sclerosis, diabetes and paralysis.

Gluten-free diets and health?

Do you find yourself in the grocery wondering why there are so many gluten-free products available? The number of options and availability of these products have grown in recent years. This is a very positive thing for those who have celiac disease or gluten-sensitivity. Celiac disease is an auto-immune disease where the body is unable to tolerate gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, and barley. So as you can imagine, that can really make grocery shopping tricky. A gluten-free diet is the only known treatment for celiac disease.

However, a recent trend is believing that gluten-free foods are healthier and can aid in weight loss. Unless you have celiac disease, there are no health benefits of adopting a gluten-free diet. A recent study found that 46% of people who bought gluten-free foods did so with the belief that they were healthier and 30% bought because it was believed to aid in weight loss.

If you do not have celiac disease but still enjoy gluten-free products, that is fine. There is nothing unhealthy about eating them. The only concern would be if you are adopting the diet under false statements in the media. Science shows that there is "no evidence" that a gluten-free diet will benefit anyone in the general population other than those affected by celiac disease or gluten-sensitivity. 


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Can you drink too much water?

Yes. It is possible to drink too much during exercise. If you gain weight by the end of a training session or competitive event, it is a sign you drank too much water or other fluid during your activity. Drinking too much could result in excess water in the blood and a dangerously low sodium concentration. This condition is known as hyponatremia. Although it is rare, hyponatremia can be fatal; reinforcing the importance of drinking proper amounts of fluid, as opposed to trying to drink as much as possible.

Comments and suggestions about Noni fruit

Comments and suggestions about Noni fruit

Although it is a study of causing biological effects (bioactivity) of each of many phytochemical listed above of the noni fruit. However, there scientific research are only the beginning, it is too early to draw definitive conclusions in part of the health benefits of the noni fruit or juice of this fruit. In addition, almost all types of these compounds are available in plants many of those used as a food. Thus, it is not the only substance of Noni.

Noni fruit is used in folk medicine of polynesian

Noni fruit is used in folk medicine of polynesian

Although scientific studies or information about the health benefits of this fruit occurs widely and have not found any clear evidence. However, it is used in folk medicine of polynesian, which they are found the medicinal properties of Noni fruit that taken from South East Asia for over 2000 years old. China, India, Japan, Indonesia, etc. use this fruit (bark, roots, leaves, flowers) in the treatment of various diseases such as gum disease, eye diseases, skin and respiratory system, constipation, abdominal, pain or diarrhea, etc.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Nutritional value of the Noni fruit part2

Nutritional value of the Noni fruit

This is example of phytochemical in the noni fruit, which currently no set standard of consumption (Dietary Reference Intakes, DRI)

- Scopoletin
This substance may be the antibiotic, which research on it is in the beginning.

- Beta-sito sterol
It is steroid in plant. It has the potential to reduce cholesterol, but it does not research to proven in humans.

- Clamma canthal
It is one of the anthraquinone. It has the potential to inhibit protein of HIV infection.

- Alkaloids
It is an amine that occurs naturally in plants. It is makes plant with a bitter taste and makes taste of the noni fruit unappetizing. Some resources on the Internet discussed 2 substances called xeronine or proxeronine that it is an important component of this fruit, but it did not find published of these substances in medical journals. Therefore, these substances are not acceptable in science.

Caution about Noni fruit

Caution about the Noni fruit

1. Patients with kidney disease should not eat, because this fruit has very high potassium. It can be dangerous.

2. Pregnant women should not eat, because this fruit has affected to blood and menstruation.

Chemicals: Substances of Noni contains Asperuloside, caproic acid, caprylic acid and glucose.

Is it True that Eggs are as Bad for Your Arteries as Smoking?

By Dr. Mercola
Recently, news headlines were ablaze with startling information that eggs are nearly as bad for your arteries as cigarettes. After surveying more than 1,200 seniors, the researchers concluded that eating egg yolks on a regular basis is approximately two-thirds as bad as smoking with regards to the build-up of arterial plaque.1
That's an incredible claim―especially once you know the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey used to say.
The rest of the story is this: the "study" is based on interviews of stroke patients and their recollection of egg intake and admission of smoking history.
The authors do acknowledge that the results are weak because they're dependent on the patients' self-reporting, memory, and honesty. They also say the finding that people with heart disease shouldn't consume eggs is just a hypothesis and should be tested further. That hasn't stopped the conventional media from running with it though, without any further scrutiny.2

Latest Attack on Eggs Fraught with Conflicts of Interest

First of all, the study was funded by the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, and the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada. Although these are two different entities, they use the same donors list in their annual reports3, and they are both heavily funded by Big Pharma—to the tune of AT LEAST $7 million a year for heart and stroke recovery, and $4.4 million for the Research Center's Heart & Stroke Spark Together for Healthy Kids™ project.
A number of "studies" that have come out of the Research Center support very aggressive drug treatment of stroke and heart attack patients, including this one, entitled "Treating Arteries Instead of Risk Factors4," in which the authors actually advocate skipping the risk factors altogether and just aggressively treating with pharmaceuticals. The study says they:
"... ensured that patients with vascular disease were using an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. For those not able to use angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors because of cough or angioedema, we ensured that they were using an angiotensin receptor blocker, unless they had contraindications to these classes of drugs."
Next, let's look at the study authors. Two of the three researchers in question, have declared interests in statins. David Spence and Jean Davignon have received honoraria and speaker's fees from several pharmaceutical companies manufacturing lipid-lowering drugs. Now do you think the companies that make statins might have a vested interest in getting you to be afraid of eggs and cholesterol? Of course they do.
The third researcher, David Jenkins, helped create the vegan "Portfolio Diet," which only allows egg substitutes and then only sparingly.
So what's the bottom line when you look at who funded the study and who the authors were? They all have heavy involvement with, and funding from, pharmaceutical companies, so how can you expect anything but massive conflict of interest? With this background information you could EASILY predict the outcome of the study well before it even began.

Shoddy Hypothesis Ignores Already Established Science

There is a major misconception that you must avoid foods like eggs and saturated fat to protect your heart. While it's true that fats from animal sources contain cholesterol, this is not necessarily something that will harm you. Cholesterol is in every cell in your body, where it helps to produce cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help you to digest fat. Cholesterol also helps in the formation of memories and is vital for your neurological function.
Besides asking seniors to recollect their past egg consumption with any amount of accuracy, there are other major problems with this study. Mark Sisson posted a humorous and accurate take on it on his blog, stating:5
"Those who ate the most eggs also smoked the most and were the most diabetic. To their credit, the authors tried to control for those factors, plus several others. Although they tried to control for sex, blood lipids, blood pressure, smoking, body weight index, and presence of diabetes, the study's authors didn't – couldn't – account for all potentially confounding variables. In their own words, 'more research should be done to take in possible confounders such as exercise and waist circumference.'
Hmm. 'Possible' confounders, eh?
  • Exercise reduces inflammatory markers of atherosclerosis6
  • Exercise even reduces markers of atherosclerosis in pre-pubertal obese children!7
  • Exercise reduces thickness of the carotid arterial wall8
It doesn't get much clearer than that. Exercise is a massively confounding variable that the authors failed to take into account.
What about waist circumference?
  • A high waist circumference predicts atherosclerosis of the carotid artery.9
Or how about stress, which also wasn't considered?
  • Perceived daily psychological demands – the amount of crap you perceive to be heaped on your plate – are associated with progression of carotid arterial plaque.10
Yeah, it's not like the size of a person's waist, whether or not they move of their own volition or sit in an easy chair all day, and how much stress they endure have any impact on their risk of developing atherosclerosis. Those things may be linked, and I'm sure the authors would have loved to include them in their analysis, but there just wasn't enough space on the questionnaire. Besides, it's not like a little physical activity and mediation could even undo the damage wrought by 4.68 sinful egg yolks per week. Why, that's nearly a half dozen!" [Emphasis mine]

Study's Data Show Egg Consumption Actually Promotes Health

Another interesting analysis has been made by Ned Kock, who specializes in nonlinear variance-based structural equation modeling. Using a model to test for the "moderating effect," he demonstrates how the egg consumption data from the featured study actually shows that egg consumption promotes health.11
By looking into the effect that the number of eggs consumed per week had on the association between LDL cholesterol and plaque formation, the data shows that the highest amount of plaque is associated with the lowest LDL cholesterol levels... This is interesting, to say the least, since egg yolks are "supposed to" raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels thereby causing plaque buildup.
He writes:
"What is happening here? Maybe egg consumption above a certain level shifts the size of the LDL particles from small to large, making them harmless. (Saturated fat consumption, in the context of a nutritious diet in lean individuals, seems to have a similar effect.) Maybe eggs contain nutrients that promote overall health, leading LDL particles to "behave" and do what they are supposed to do. Maybe it is a combination of these and other effects."

Other Research has Found No Link Between Eggs and Heart Disease

One of the curious features of this study was the singling out of eggs without paying any attention to other foods. What about trans fat consumption, for example, which is now widely known to increase cardiovascular health risks? Or processed sugars and grains?
Additionally, while the subjects were reportedly asked about medications, drug use was not evaluated to see if there were any correlations between drugs and increased risk of arterial plaque build-up. After all, the subjects were all stroke patients, and are therefore likely to be on statins. Statins, we now know, are associated with an increased risk of diabetes, and heart disease is the number one killer of diabetics. So is the increased plaque build-up really caused by egg consumption, or is it related to drug-induced diabetes?
In a previous paper12, the researchers even point out a study showing that participants who developed diabetes during the course of the study doubled their risk of heart disease with regular egg consumption, while egg consumption had no impact on heart disease risk in non-diabetics.13 Overall, the idea that eggs are unhealthy is a complete myth, one that's easily debunked if you look at the evidence.
For example, previous studies have found that:
  • Consumption of more than 6 eggs per week does not increase the risk of stroke and ischemic stroke14
  • Eating two eggs a day does not adversely affect endothelial function (an aggregate measure of cardiac risk) in healthy adults, supporting the view that dietary cholesterol may be less detrimental to cardiovascular health than previously thought15
  • Proteins in cooked eggs are converted by gastrointestinal enzymes, producing peptides that act as ACE inhibitors (common prescription medications for lowering blood pressure)16
  • A survey of South Carolina adults found no correlation of blood cholesterol levels with "bad" dietary habits, such as use of red meat, animal fats, fried foods, butter, eggs, whole milk, bacon, sausage and cheese17

Not All Eggs are Created Equal

Ideally, the yolks should be consumed raw as the heat will damage many of the highly perishable nutrients in the yolk. Additionally, the cholesterol in the yolk can be oxidized with high temperatures, especially when it is in contact with the iron present in the whites and cooked, as in scrambled eggs, and such oxidation contributes to chronic inflammation in your body, which is definitely associated with increased risk of plaque formation and heart disease.
However, if you're eating raw eggs, they MUST be organic pastured eggs. You do not want to consume conventionally-raised eggs raw, as they're much more likely to be contaminated with pathogens such as salmonellaOrganic pastured eggs are also far superior when it comes to nutrient content. In a 2007 egg-testing project, Mother Earth News compared the official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data for commercial eggs with eggs from hens raised on pasture and found that the latter typically contains:
1/3 less cholesterol2/3 more vitamin A
3 times more vitamin E
1/4 less saturated fat2 times more omega-3 fatty acids7 times more beta-carotene

The dramatically superior nutrient levels are most likely the result of the differences in diet between free ranging, pastured hens and commercially-farmed hens. An egg is considered organic if the chicken was only fed organic food, which means it will not have accumulated high levels of pesticides from the grains (mostly GM corn) fed to typical chickens. It's important to realize that an egg can be organic without being pasture-raised. "Pastured" means the chickens have been allowed to forage for its natural food sources outside, and is your best guarantee of a high quality egg. A deep yellow or orange yolk is a telltale sign of high-quality organic pastured eggs.

How to Find Fresh Pastured Organic Eggs

The key to getting high quality eggs is to buy them locally, either from an organic farm or farmers market. Fortunately, finding organic eggs locally is far easier than finding raw milk as virtually every rural area has individuals with chickens. Farmers markets are a great way to meet the people who produce your food. With face-to-face contact, you can get your questions answered and know exactly what you're buying. Better yet, visit the farm and ask for a tour. To locate a free-range pasture farm, try asking your local health food store, or check out the following web listings:

Avoid Omega-3 Eggs

If you absolutely must purchase your eggs from a commercial grocery store, look for ones that are marked free-range organic. They're like still going to originate from a mass-production facility (so you'll want to be careful about eating them raw), but it's about as good as it gets if you can't find a local source.
I would strongly encourage you to AVOID ALL omega-3 eggs, as they are some of the least healthy for you. These eggs typically come from chickens that are fed poor-quality sources of omega-3 fats that are already oxidized. Also, omega-3 eggs perish much faster than non-omega-3 eggs.
As discussed by Mark Sisson:18
"...hens given an unnatural industry-standard diet high in omega-6 containing grains (soy and corn) produce less healthful eggs than hens on a more natural diet of grains lower in omega-6 with supplementary antioxidants.19
When subjects ate two of the soy/corn-fed eggs a day, which were high in omega-6 fats, their oxidized LDL levels were increased by 40 percent. Subjects who ate two of the other eggs each day, which were low in omega-6 fats, had normal levels of oxidized LDL (comparable to subjects in the control group, who consumed between two and four eggs a week). Since the oxidation of LDL particles is strongly hypothesized to be a crucial causative factor in atherosclerosis, it's conceivable that eating normal, industrial eggs could have a negative effect on carotid plaque."

Heart Disease is One of the Easiest Diseases to Prevent!

Heart disease, just like type 2 diabetes, is one of the easiest diseases to prevent and avoid, BUT you simply must be proactive. I find one of the most important risk factors to be your cholesterol to HDL ratio.
Contrary to popular belief, your total cholesterol level is just about worthless in determining your risk for heart disease, unless it is close to 300 or higher. And, perhaps more importantly, you need to be aware that cholesterol is not the CAUSE of heart disease. If you become overly concerned with trying to lower your cholesterol level to some set number, you will be completely missing the real problem. In fact, I have seen a number of people with levels over 250 who actually were at low heart disease risk due to their HDL levels. Conversely, I have seen even more who had cholesterol levels under 200 that were at a very high risk of heart disease based on the following additional tests:
  • Your HDL/Cholesterol ratio: This percentage is a very potent heart disease risk factor. Just divide your HDL level by your cholesterol. Ideally, it should be above 24 percent. Below 10 percent, it's a significant indicator of risk for heart disease.
  • Your Triglyceride/HDL ratios. You can also do the same thing with your triglycerides and HDL ratio. This ratio should be below 2.
Keeping your inflammation levels low is key if you want to reduce your risk of heart disease (as well as many other chronic diseases). It's important to realize that there are different sizes of LDL cholesterol particles, and it's the LDL particle size that is relevant (which Ned Kock's modeling mentioned above indicates as well). This is because small particles get stuck easily and cause more inflammation, whereas large particles do not get stuck. Statins do not modulate LDL particle size. The only way to make sure your LDL particles are large enough to not get stuck and cause inflammation and damage is through your diet. In fact, it's one of the major things that insulin does. So rather than taking a statin drug, you really need to focus on your diet to reduce the inflammation in your body, which is aggravated by eating:
  • Oxidized cholesterol (cholesterol that has gone rancid, such as that from overcooked, scrambled eggs)
  • Sugar and grains
  • Foods cooked at high temperatures
  • Trans fats

Six Healthy Heart Tips

A few more recommendations that can have a profound impact on reducing inflammation in your body and reducing your risk of heart disease include:
  • Optimizing your insulin levels. If your fasting insulin level is not lower than three consider limiting or eliminating your intake of grains and sugars until you optimize your insulin level.
  • Optimizing your vitamin D levels. Most people are not aware that vitamin D can have a profoundly dramatic impact on lowering your risk for heart disease. Your best source of vitamin D is through your skin being exposed to the sun. In the wintertime, I recommend using a safe tanning bed. If you opt for a vitamin D supplement, make sure you're taking the right form of vitamin D—D3, not D2—in the appropriate amounts to reap the benefits, and remember to get your vitamin D levels tested regularly. For more information, please see this previous article.
  • Balancing your omega-6 to omega-3 fat ratio. Most Americans eating a standard American diet have a ratio of 25:1, which is highly unbalanced. The ideal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats is 1:1. Therefore, you'll want to lower the amount of vegetable oils in your diet, and make sure you have a high-quality, animal-based source of omega-3s, such as krill oil.
  • Exercising regularly. Exercise a great way to lower inflammation without any of the side effects associated with medications. High intensity interval exercises are particularly beneficial
  • Normalizing your weight, or better yet, your waist size. If you're a woman with a waist measurement of over 35 inches or a man with a waist of over 40 inches, you probably have high inflammation. Whittling a few inches off the waist by reducing your portions and increasing activity can go a long way toward solving that problem.
  • Addressing your stress. Feeling stressed can create a wide variety of physiological changes, such as impairing digestion, excretion of valuable nutrients, decreasing beneficial gut flora populations, decreasing your metabolism, and raising triglycerides, cholesterol, insulin, and cortisol levels

Please visit Dr. Mercola's website for additional information on this topic. Follow link

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nutritional value of the Noni fruit part1

Noni fruit contains chemicals that are commonly referred to as the phytochemical

The noni fruit contains chemicals that are commonly referred to as the phytochemical, is abundant, which has been studied extensively and research since the 1950s.

Noni fruit contains phytochemical

Example of phytochemical in the noni fruit, which currently no set standard of consumption (Dietary Reference Intakes, DRI) as follows

- Long molecule sugar It is a type of Oligosaccharide or Polysaccharide that bacteria in the intestine are degradation into short fatty acid molecules. It has a high possibility that the benefits to human health, which must be proven by scientific research to clear up.

- Types of glycosides It is a phenolic compound that is sugar for example Flavonoids such as rutin and asperulosidic acid, which of these does not have a clear studies the properties of it as well.

- Trisaccharide fatty-acid esters or noniosides It is caused by a combination of alcohol with the one of acid type in the noni fruit. It is a chemical that make this fruit is the smell and the taste to we do not like.

Noni fruit contains phytochemical

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Benefits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni fruit) to modern and nutritional value

Noni fruit is present in the alternative medicine is widely used in the treatment of various diseases.

Taking advantage of the Noni fruit in modern

This fruit is present in the alternative medicine is widely used in the treatment of various diseases. (Complementary alternative medicine, CAM) such as alcoholism or drug abuse, Allergy, arthritis, asthma, Ulcers and blood vessel disease, including cancer.

It can be treated allergic substance, diabetes and chronic fatigue syndrome. This may include disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and growth of cells outside the uterus disease (endometriosis).

Noni fruit used to treat diseases

The Noni fruit used to treat diseases

It also is used to treat diseases that occur with the elderly such as gout, high blood pressure, low immunity, iinflammation, debility and sclerosis disease.

The noni fruit can also be used to treat pain, swelling or pain in muscles and joints. This fruit can cure chronic diseases such as sinus and polio. Not only are human, it is also used as veterinary medicines as well.

Nutritional value of the Noni fruit

Nutritional value of the Noni fruit

Research at the University of Hawaii shows that nutritional value of this fruit (powder), as allow

Percent elements per weight noni powder 100g

Protein                    5.8
Fat                          1.2
Moisture                  9.3
Total dietary fiber     36
Carbohydrate           71

Weight mg per noni powder 1200 mg

Protein                    69.6
Fat                          15.5
Carbohydrates        843
Fiber                       419
Calories                   3
Vitamin A                2.26 IU
Vitamin C                9.81
Niacin                     0.048
Iron                        0.02
Calcium                   0.88
Sodium                   2.63
Potassium               32.0

It is noteworthy that it contains high levels of carbohydrates, fiber and potassium, but it is relatively low in fat.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Is there such a thing as "good" and "bad" carbs?

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal addressed the issue of a "good" carb or a "bad" carb.  While I do not believe in classifying a food as bad or good, there is a point to be made about choosing more nutrient dense foods. All foods can have a place in a healthy diet, but choosing wisely based on what nutrients they offer is what a healthy diet is really about. Many people get caught up in low-carb or no-carb, but as athletes, that belief can really interfere with your training. Your body needs the appropriate amount of carbohydrate to fuel your muscles - it is what your body requires! Being too restrictive with carbohydrates will certainly impact your performance. The point of the article is to not forget that a lot of food that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, also contain a lot of other valuable nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

Here is the link to the full article.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Recipe - Mustard Dill Salmon

Salmon is also a great source for healthy omega-3 fats.

1 pound fresh salmon fillets or if you bought them frozen, thawed
1/4 cup mustard
2 tbsp lemon juice
Dill, fresh or dried

1. Cut the salmon into three pieces (if you bought it already cut, skip this step). Place the salmon in a baking dish. Spread mustard on top of each piece.
2. Squeeze lemon juice over the salmon and sprinkle with dill.
3. Bake at 325 degree F for 20 to 25 minutes.

Nutrition Information: 220 calories per serving; 2 g carbohydrate; 30 g protein; 10 g fat 

Recipe courtesy of Nancy Clark, MS, RD, CSSD from her book "Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook, Fourth Edition."

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Benefits of Noni fruit to herbal traditional part2

Fruit of Morinda (Noni fruit)

Fruit of Morinda (Noni fruit)

- Vapors from Noni fruit to treat stye

- Raw fruit can be used treatment sore or scaly lesions around the mouth or inside the mouth.

- Ripe fruit used of eating or crushed is used to relieve sore throat or use of skin to kill germs. It can eat to kill the parasite in the body, wound healing, inflammation of the mouth and gums, dental pain, stimulate the appetite and used for animal feed.

Oil extracted from Noni fruit to treat abdominal pain

- Used to make a poultice to cure the acne cure TB disease, joint pain, sprain, deep bruise. - Oil extracted from Noni fruit to treat abdominal pain - Extract from this fruit to treat high blood pressure


- The shell can be used as an herb to cure jaundice.


- The oil extracted from the seeds used to treat lice and insects.

All parts of Morinda citrifolia (the noni fruit)

- It can be used as a laxative

Friday, August 17, 2012

Back to School Lunch Solutions

This week I visited the 10! Show in Philadelphia and Bridge Street in Central New York to share some tips to make back to school lunches a little more exciting (and healthy too) plus ways to make whole grains part of your day.

Here are some more details and tips to get you ready for back to school.

Make Fruit and Veggies Easier: At the start of the week, fill a bin in your refrigerator with single serving bags or containers of sliced and prepared fruit and veggies! Then each day when filling lunch boxes aim to have half of the contents be fruit and/or vegetables.

Be creative! Use sandwich cutters like those from The Lunch Punch ( to create fun shapes. Or switch up sandwiches with a sandwich on a stick: use cubes of meat, cheese, bread and veggies!

Think Outside the Sandwich: Try kid 'sushi'! Mix together chopped veggies (like broccoli and carrots) with light cream cheese or tofutti (cream cheese substitute), spread the mixture evenly over a multi-grain flat bread or tortilla. Then roll up the flat bread and cut into slices. This lunch idea was inspired from some of my aunts on family vacation.

Work in Whole Grains: Whole grains are nutritional powerhouses, some examples include: whole wheat bread, brown rice, millet, buckwheat, oats and quinoa. They get all of their nutrients because the whole grain is intact and provides fiber, vitamins and minerals. Make it a goal to have whole grains at all meals and snacks like: KIND Healthy Grains granola with fruit for breakfast, whole wheat bread or wraps for lunch and mini funny face pizza on whole grain flat breads for snack.

For more ideas on back to school, head to my Website to watch the video segments from this week!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Benefits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni fruit) to herbal traditional part1

Benefits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) in traditional various aspects

All past of Morinda is beneficial, both in leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, stems or roots. Benefits of Morinda citrifolia (Noni) in traditional various aspects

Leaves of Morinda (Noni fruit)

Leaves of Morinda (Noni fruit)

- Fresh leaves can be used to wrap meat and part of cooking or used as feed for livestock such as silk worm rearing. It can cure ulcers and headache or fever.

- It can be used as an herbal poultice to treat malaria, analgesics, and treatment of tuberculosis, sprains, joint pain and venom from insect bites.

- The noni fruit leaf extract can treat high blood pressure, upset stomach, diabetes, decreased appetite, urinary tract infections, hernia and vitamin A deficiency. Roots

- Used for carving.

- Juice from the root is used cure severe inflammation Flowers

- It can be used to treat a stye

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The culture of eating Noni fruit

We can find a lot of Noni fruit in Asia, India and the islands in the Pacific and East Indies Islands.

We can find a lot of the noni fruit in Asia, India and the islands in the Pacific and East Indies Islands.

Sometimes, it is called that cheese fruit or vomit fruit. It is like an egg and it looks like it has eyes all around. The length of Noni fruit is about 4-7 cm.

Noni fruit looks like it has eyes all around

Noni fruit looks like it has eyes all around

When this fruit is immature, it is green. Then it changes to yellow and almost white, when ripe. This fruit has a strong smell and bitter taste, but it has been very popular in the consumer either raw or cooked.

Some islands in the Pacific Ocean, this fruit are the staple food they eat. Southeast Asians and Australian Aborigines consume the fruit raw, dipped in salt or mixed with curry powder. The noni fruit seeds can be eaten, when roasting until done.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Types of Fat

Unsaturated fats, specifically mono-and polyunsaturated fats, are often referred to as “good” fats because they have a positive effect on cardiovascular health. These fats are typically liquid at room temperature. Monounsaturated fats can be found in some oils, such as canola and olive, and foods such as avocadoes, olives, and nuts. Polyunsaturated fats can be found in oils such as flaxseed and safflower, and from foods such as fish, walnuts, and flax products. The majority of your fat intake should come from mono-and polyunsaturated fats.

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are “essential” polyunsaturated fats, meaning your body cannot make them and they must be consumed through the diet. These essential fatty acids serve many important functions including blood pressure control, assisting in blood clot formation, regulation of blood lipids, and lessening the inflammatory response to injury and injection. They are also essential for normal growth and vision in infants and children.

Saturated fats are typically solid at room temperature. The chemical structure of saturated fats causes them to react differently in the body than unsaturated fats. High saturated fat intake negatively affects cardiovascular health by elevating blood cholesterol, particularly “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and promoting cardiovascular disease. Saturated fats are present primarily in meat, butter, dairy fats, and cheese. Plant sources of saturated fats include coconut and palm oil, and solid vegetable shortening. Commercially prepared cakes, pies, cookies, and other desserts are also typically high in saturated fats.

Trans-fats naturally occur in our foods; however, most trans-fats from our diet are artificially created through a process called hydrogenation. Hydrogenation is a process that takes a liquid vegetable oil and changes it into a solid fat. This process allows food to be more shelf-stable or last longer. The American Heart Association recommends avoiding both saturated and trans-fats because of the negative impact the have on cholesterol levels. While focusing on mono- and polyunsaturated fats is recommended, consuming some of the less healthy fats is acceptable in a well-balanced diet.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Morinda citrifolia (Noni fruit)

Morinda citrifolia, known commercially as noni

Morinda citrifolia, known commercially as noni and it has many names, such as great morinda, Indian mulberry, beach mulberry, Tahitian noni or call in local languages such as noni (Hawaiian), nono (Tahiti), meng kudu (Malay), and ach (Hindi). It is a shrub or small tree in the family Rubiaceae. It is a fruit native of Southeast Asia, but they are propagation until spread all over India and the islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Noni fruit is fruit from Morinda citrifolia

Noni fruit is fruit from Morinda citrifolia

Morinda citrifolia can grow in the jungle or along the coastal rocks or sand. It is mature when it reaches 18 months and fruits, which has combined weight about 4-8 kg per month throughout the year. Fruit of Morinda called the noni fruit. It is a plant tolerance to saline soils and drought conditions. This make it can spread to the general condition.

Noni fruit is unique that can be observed easily

Noni fruit is unique that can be observed easily

Morinda may be as high as 9 m. Leaf and fruit are unique that can be observed easily. Its leaves are large look common and deep-leaf veins and they are dark green and glossy. It has flower and fruit throughout the year. Its flowers look small and white. Noni fruits are pungent odor when ripening.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I love watching the Olympics. Learning about unfamiliar sports and seeing close finishes is exciting! I couldn't pass up an opportunity to talk about nutrition during the games in this interview with a local newspaper.|newswell|text|Home|s

Friday, August 3, 2012

It Comes Down to the “W’s”

By Chris Freytag

Every pro athlete will tell you it’s about the “W’s”. That goes for you too -  don’t forget to celebrate your big and small wins. Each day, give yourself a chance for a “W”. Whether it’s heading to the gym when you don’t feel like it, or selecting a healthy lunch option, take time to congratulate yourself!

Toning Those Trouble Spots

It would be nice if we could choose to lose our trouble spots--take an inch off our inner thighs, a few inches off our waistline. But it simply doesn't work that way. When fat melts off your body, it melts off your overall body, not only in particular areas. And each person's body eliminates body fat differently, depending on a variety of factors such as age, genetics, hormones and intensity of exercise.
Here is the bottom line: You cannot "spot reduce" body fat. You cannot tone fat. You cannot tighten fat. The only way to get rid of extra body fat is the old-fashioned way...through cardiovascular exercise.
However, even though "spot reducing" body fat doesn't work, "spot sculpting" can!  Spot sculpting is focusing on specific muscle groups when strength training. You can pick the exact muscle groups you want to work each day of the week. The trick to spot sculpting is to be realistic about it. If you have overall body fat to lose, you aren't going to see your buff biceps without eliminating the excess insulation.
So the only win-win strategy to work on those trouble spots is to make your routine a combination of two important elements: cardio exercise for body fat reduction and a consistent strength training program to tone and sculpt your muscles. Work on them simultaneously for best results. 

Train for Running Success

Attention runners! Want to run stronger, faster and with more ease? The only answer isn’t more mileage. If you really want to improve your endurance and performance, you should also engage in weight training and plyometric exercises.The explosive nature of the plyometric exercises and the resistance of the strength exercises have been proved to increase running speed and economy by nearly 5 percent. Now that’s worth replacing some of those miles with!

Power of Pilates

If you are under the impression that crunches are the best way to tone up your abs, you may want to keep reading. Pilates isn’t only a secret for flattening the abs of Hollywood stars, everyday folks are reaping the benefits of a focused mat Pilates workout. 
Take a look at the “flat out” truth….Through a technique called “electromyography”, Auburn University researchers determined that 10 repetitions of the Pilates roll-up, hundred or double-leg stretch exercises activated the deepest abdominal muscles (i.e. transversus abdominis and internal obliques) better than 10 regular crunches. 
Joseph Pilates said, “It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality of the movement.” By making Pilates part of your routine, you may firm up faster. Be sure you find a Pilates instructor to show you the ropes or try a well instructed DVD or class . 

Bye Bye Belly Fat!

One of the most common complaints of women over 40 is that despite their best efforts to exercise consistently and eat properly, their mid-section is expanding. Truth be told, our bodies change as we get older.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it. Like the old saying goes, “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.”  A University of Virginia study found that middle-aged women who exercised at a higher intensity for 16 weeks lost more abdominal fat than those who exercised at a low intensity. 
The low intensity group performed at 50-60% of their maximum effort, mainly through walking. The high intensity group took it up a notch and did a program of walking and jogging. Bottom line, a little extra effort may go a long way. 
High intensity exercise can be performed in intervals to help your body adapt. Start with 30 seconds of jogging followed by 2-3 minute of walking. Keep repeating throughout your workout. Increase the jogging intervals gradually over the course of a few weeks. Your increased intensity and elevated heart rate will result in more calories burned and a smaller waist line. This is good news for your belly and ultimately for your heart. 

About the Author

Chris Freytag is a health and fitness expert, blogger, author and motivational speaker. She has been teaching fitness classes and personal training for over 20 years. She is a contributing editor for Prevention Magazine; the fitness contributor for the NBC affiliate in Minneapolis; and sits on the Board of Directors for the American Council on Exercise.
Chris has authored 5 books; has created dozens of fitness DVD's; is a top trainer for Exercise TV; and sells her signature line of healthy kitchen and fitness products on QVC. Visit Chris' website,, and Facebook page for more information.