
Friday, October 12, 2012

Pineapple and Starfruit Juice

A drink with a great and refreshing taste that helps dispel heatiness from one's body and relief cough and phlegm

What you will need:    
Starfruit2 starfruits
300ml pineapple juice (try to use fresh pineapples instead of canned ones)
15ml honey
10ml lemon

Pineapple Detail Free Stock Photography1. Rinse the starfruits, cut into slices and discard the seeds.
2. Add the starfruit slices and pineapple juice into juicer
3. Strain the juice and pour into a glass
4. Stir juice with honey and lemon added with ice before serving

Starfruits have high vitamin content, fibre and organic acids such as malic, citric and oxalic acids. All these components in a starfruit help dispel heat from our body, relieve cough and sore throats, dissolve phlegm and prevent constipation.

Pineapples are high in fibre and vitamin C that aid our body to prevent and fight infections. They help with movement of bowels and aid digestion too!

When choosing starfruits, choose firm and heavy ones. Their skin should also be bright golden-yellow in colour.

Take note:
Starfruits tend to turn mouldy easily if placed in airtight containers. This is due to water vapor accumulating in an enclosed space. Hence, starfruits should be stored in areas with plenty of ventilation.

When preparing juice that has starfruit in it or serving a fruit platter that contains starfruit, one should cut them at the later moments of preparation as starfruit flesh tend to oxidise or decolourise when exposed to air for long periods. If need be, place the starfruit slices in ice water with a little bit of salt so that it would prevent the oxidation and colour change occurring rapidly.

Eat well and stay healthy!

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