About Heather Growing up Heather explained that she never gained weight and it wasn't until after she had her son that she found it challenging to lose the post baby weight. After putting The Skinny Rules to work, she lost 15 pounds and was back to her pre-pregnancy weight! And Heather notes, "I now have to watch my weight because it likes to sneak back on me. I workout regularly (I love Pilates and Yoga) and I go walking and just try to stay active. Its not easy, it takes work like everything in life. But If you give that effort, you will succeed!
3 Favorite Rules
Skinny Rule #5 Get on the Scale
Heather says "I don't get on everyday, but I make notes to myself to just glance once in a while to help keep myself in check."
Skinny Rule #23 Make Exercise a Habit
"I try to make sure I'm a bit active everyday, cause sitting on the couch all day doesn't help. We were made to move and if we don't, of course its not going to help us and if you take in the extra, you have to give extra to keep it away...", notes Heather.
Skinny Rules #54 Take Control of Emotional Eating
This was one of Heather's favorite roles because she knows know when she is eating because she is sad, bored, or big for special occasions. "You pretty much have to tell yourself that eating isn't going to make things better, and if you must eat, eat something healthy", suggests Heather.
Heather likes to keep The Skinny Rules at hand, or at least somewhere where she knows it because she finds herself going back to the book to look for new ideas and motivation, not even just for weight loss.
"Thank you so much for the Skinny Rules, it was a true gift and inspiration to my success and I think everyone should get this. It helps and it works. If you want it, get Skinny Rules and do it! Everyone has got a little skinny in them, and this will help people not only find it, but get back to if they had it before too!" - Heather Larson
If you have read, The Skinny Rules and had success, share your stories via my Web site: http://www.mollymorganrd.com/contactus.aspx.
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