Day 61 ♥
Today was not quite as planned, I had intended to break my Orange juice diet today, but water fasted instead!
I was still having some elimination, and I just felt that I neeeded to water fast to aid my body, so my body would have more energy to help the elimination along. It seemed that the Universe was letting me know that it was not the right time to end the Oranges.
I am currently reading the biography 'April Fool's Day' by Bryce Courtenay. I have read his work before, including 'The Power of One' which I found to be an amazing book.
'April Fool's Day' is Bryce Courtenay's heart rendering account of his son's life and death. His son Damon died of AIDs when he was just 24 years old. Damon had haemophillia and had received contaminated Factor VIII in a blood transfusion.
In the book are Damon's words:
"And what I am trying to do is express them (the events associated with his illness) in a way that may make you think that what you have, the life you lead, is special, because you have one thing in common. Well, most of you anyway. You have your health. Please never take that for granted, because it is the greatest gift that will ever be given to you as a person. It allows you to choose the path you take in life. There are no limitations to what you can achieve if you have your health. There is nothing you can not do. Never forget that. If that is all you get out of reading this book, then I have achieved my aim."
It does seem rather easy to take our health for granted, and forget just how precious it is and how nothing else in life can really compare to the feeling of strength and well-being coursing through our veins.
And health, seemingly our birthright, can be taken away from us by accidents, toxins, mis-treatment of ourselves by others, genetics, and unnatural diets. And for some, like Damon, it can never really be 100% present if we are born with a genetic condition such as Haemophillia.
So, I feel very blessed and fortunate to have been able to follow a path that has given me such wonderful health and all the joys that good health brings with it, and to have lived with two healthy and happy children ♥
It must be the hardest thing in the world to see your child suffer with pain and ill health, and feel powerless to stop the pain and suffering.
So I give many thanks for finding a way of light and fruit that has brought me, and continues to give me, health and happiness ♥ Thank You ♥
Fruity Fare ♥
Italian bottled Spring water, and reverse osmosis water.
Fruitful Exercise ♥
30 minutes fast walking.
Love, Peace, and Health ♥ XX
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