
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Acetogenin contained in soursop can to prevent cancer

Do not underestimate. soursop fruit, although common in the juice, but the benefits of soursop good for health.

Anti cancer

Soursop plant parts, including leaves and fruits, contains a compound that is quite valuable, such as fructose, fat, protein, calcium, phosfor, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin B.

Secondary metabolites contained in it is a compound class of tannins, phytosterols and alkaloids.

A compound that attracted the attention of researchers is asetogenin. This is a specific compound contained in the plant tribe Annonaceae, which is closely related to efficacy of anti-tumor activity, anti-bacterial and insecticide.
From the research, asetogenin contained in soursop can be used to hit the colon cancer cells, pancreatic, ovarian, colon, breast, liver, cervix.

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