
Monday, February 1, 2010

♥ Day 67 Mono Orange Juice ♥

Day 67 ♥
Summertime...and the Oranges are sweeties ♥
I find myself at about the same weight as when I was at Day 26 of an Orange juice diet back in June 2007. So although at the moment, I have been on Orange juice for 41 more days, I have lost about the same total weight.
I also felt ready to end the juice diet in 2007, after 26 days, whereas at the moment I am just taking it day-to-day, and I am not sure how long I will continue.
One factor would be if I felt weak or lacked the strength and endurance to carry out my daily activities. Another, is if I feel that I am going into 'starvation' mode, whereby my body would be utilising vital muscle tissue.
So, I continue and I am still really attracted to Oranges and their sweet juice.
There is no other juicy fruit that I would prefer at the moment, if I was given a choice ♥

Here are some names for the Orange in other languages apart from English:

Italian — Arancia
Spanish — Naranja
Portuguese — Laranja
Danish/ Norwegian — Appelsin
Swedish/Russian — Apelsin
Polish — Pomarancza
Serbo-Croat —Naranca
Bulgarian — Portokal
Greek — Portokali
Persian — Porteghal
Hebrew — Tapuz
Hindi — Narangi
Bengali — Kamala Lebu
Kashmiri — Sangta
Indonesian — Jeruk
Filipino — Dalanda
Chinese — Tian Cheng
Japanese — Orenji

So, from its probable origin in China  the Orange has travelled the globe. It would have been a good traveller in the days of sea voyages and so spread across the world with the Romans, Spanish and Arabs. The Portuguese influence in spreading the Orange can still be seen in its Bulgarian and Greek names.
So, because of the Orange's common availabilty it can be loved and  enjoyed from Australia to Zaire ♥

Fruity Fare ♥
Morning — 12 Organic Valencias (including a few beautiful syrup balls) juiced in my mouth
Afternoon — 11 Organic Valencias (again including a few juice balls) juiced in my mouth.

Fruitful Exercise ♥
40 minutes workout
40 minutes fast walking.

Have Fruitful Days ♥
Love and Peaches XX.

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