
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

♥ Day 82 Mono Orange Juice ♥

      ♥ The  Orange - Superhero? ♥

Day 82 ♥
So whilst Spiderman might be useful to have around if the Green Goblin is giving you grief in New York, and Batman is a pretty worthy Superhero, especially if he gets his Superpowers from being a FruitBatman; my personal choice of Superhero is - The Orange.
I guess I may be a bit biased at the moment, and it is true that under normal circumstances I am hardly monogamous with my fruit (having a bit of a roving eye for Mangoes and Malaysian Durians) but after such a long time being faithful to one fruit, it would take some doing to knock The Orange off his pedestal.

Orange juice is, 'One of Nature's miracle foods', according to The Science of Life books; and the Orange (as mentioned in a previous post) is 'The King of Fruits' according to Dr. Wilcox.
And indeed who wouldn't be seduced by a glass of golden just-squeezed Organic Orange juice from perfectly tree-ripe fruits.

One person who was keen to get his own Oranges was the French King Francois I, who deeply desired the first Orange tree that arrived in France. The tree had travelled from Pamplona in Spain and was planted in the garden of Le Duc de Bourbon.
When Le Duc ran off to Northern Italy to join Francois's adversary, Charles V, the  very first thing that Francois did was to sieze the Orange tree.
The coverted tree was then planted in Versailles where, obviously much loved, it flourished for many, many years.

So whilst some Superheroes may rescue mere mortals from peril, by swinging from webs or by racing around in Batmobiles; the Orange does its rescuing, like the other juicy fruits, by helping our bodies to heal and rebalance, and by providing a Superfuel whilst we cleanse. 

I believe that sweet, juicy fruit has an enormous potential within it to amazingly affect the quality of our lives.
Fruits, I feel, are the Superheroes of Mother Nature, who gives these champions to humans as a perfect food.

Life is meant to be Suberb, not sub-standard, and aided by with a beautiful diet of juicy fruits, then I believe that anybody has the potential to reach for a Super Sweet Life ♥

Fruity Fare ♥
Morning - 1000mls of Organic Valencia juice, made with Amco hand-juicer.
Midday - 14 Organic Valencias, juiced with a spoon
Afternoon - 2 Organic Valencias, juiced in my mouth.

Fruitful Exercise ♥
40 minutes workout.

Have Amazing Days ♥
Love and Peaches XX.

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