
Monday, February 15, 2010

♥ Day 81 Mono Orange Juice ♥

Day 81 ♥
Because of all the heat and recent rain we have been experiencing here in South East Queensland, there has been a big growth in the Mosquito population.
When I am out gardening or watering, I find that I am soon covered with hungry Mosquitos, even in the sunshine in the middle of the day.
My experience with Mosquitos has been an evolving one since I began my raw journey.
Growing up in Temperate England, I never really was exposed to Mosquitos, or their desire for human blood.
I was first introduced to them, for any great length of time, at the beginning of my raw journey when I spent time in the Algarve region of Portugal; living  off some great local fruit, during the Northern Hemisphere's Winter.
I got bitten many times, and I found that my body would react quite strongly to the bite, and there would be swelling and itching for about four days.
As I progressed along the fruity path, I found that my reaction to insect bites in general, including Mosquito bites, really lessened.
There would be less swelling at the bite area, and less itching.
Before I started my current Orange Juice Diet, I found that initially upon being bitten by a Mosquito, I would have a very tiny amount of swelling and I would itch for up to 30 minutes; after this time both the swelling and itching would have disappeared - this was very different from the reactions I was getting at the beginning of my raw journey.

However, it interested me to find that despite being covered by hungry Mosquitos recently, I have had no itching, swelling, or any reaction at all to their bites.
So I was thinking that this Orange Juice Diet must have helped my body to deal even more effectively with Mosquito bites. Then in the evening I read this in Julie Stafford's book 'Juicing For Health':

"Bioflavonoids...have a strengthening effect in the capillary walls, and act as an anticoagulant and antihistamine."

So I was wondering if the antihistamine effect of Bioflavonoids, which are very high in Oranges, is one reson why I am not reacting at all to the Mosquito bites.
I have also noticed that since being on this Orange Juice Diet, I have very rarely sneezed or had any reation to dust or mould.
I sometimes get a bit sneezy, if I am exposed to a musty environment or to dust.

Other useful snippets I read last night, regarding Orange juice and its constituents, include this quote, also from Julie Stafford's book:

"Bioflavonoids maintain the walls of the small blood vessels; help combat odema, dropsy, diabetes and diseases of the joints; assist in arresting haemorrhages; aid the treatment of high blood pressure and cataracts; fight infectious bacteria, viruses and fungi, and assist in ridding the body of drugs, heavy metals and car exhaust fumes."

And more from Julie Stafford:

"It (Orange juice) cleanses and tones the gastro-intestinal tract and improves the permeability and strength of the capillary walls...and is helpful in treating asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, blood disorders, anaemia, scurvy, heart disease, high blood pressure, indigestion, liver disorders, lung disorders, pneumonia and skin disorders and can aid weight loss. Orange juice is also an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus. It assists in the formation of bones and teeth and prevents rickets."

Stafford's sentiments are echoed in C.E. Clinkard's book, 'The Use of Juices':

"The juice of the orange is one of the most palatable natural juices in existance and it is also one of the most beneficial. Its value is widely recognised nowadays and its advantages for babies and growing children have been clearly established, especially on account of its power to assist in bone and teeth formation and in preventing rickets. it is an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus"

And from 'About Juices' by John B. Lust:

"The orange is one of nature's finest gifts to man. Orange juice contains pre-digested food in a most delicious and attractive form, ready for immediate absorbtion and utilization. Even full milk is not superior to orange juice in nutritive value as some might expect."

And both John B. Lust, and Vivienne Lewis, in her book 'Raw Juices For Health', say that Orange juice is very beneficial for those suffering with Rheumatoid Arthritis, because people affected by this condition have very fragile capillaries, which are aided by the bioflavonoids in Oranges and their juice.

♥ So All Hail the Mighty Orange ♥
I certainly am very grateful for all the Golden Wonder it has brought into my life ♥

Fruity Fare ♥
Morning - 500mls/16.9oz of Organic Valencia juice, using Amco hand juicer.
Midday - 600mls/20.29oz of Organic Valencia juice, using Amco hand juicer.
Afternoon - 4 Organic Valencias, juiced in my mouth, and 1 large freshly squeezed juice from a juice bar.

Fruitful Exercise ♥
I hour fast walking.

Have Wonderful Days ♥
Love and Peaches XX.

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