
Saturday, February 13, 2010

♥ Day 79 Mono Orange Juice ♥

Day 79♥
today, I was thinking about consequences and choices.
For those of us who live in the Western World, we probably have more wide-ranging food choices than ever before. Whilst the Supermarkets are ever trying to reduce the varieties of fruit and dumb down fruit selection, the overall food choices in any one Supermarket is something that I often find staggering.
Higher disposable incomes, freezing, refridgeration, canning, air flights, road infrastructure, and shippping, all combine to bring permanent seasons and continents into our Supermarkets.
Also, the huge amount of processed foods and frozen foods, canned food and dehydrated foods mean that fresh is not an  important critera for most of the food stocked in grocery stores.

And so we have a massive choice of all kinds of foods from all over the world all year round.
Even just 50 years ago, food was so much more seasonal; but as cheaper air freight was made possible, and also huge juggernauts took to the road, suddenly the food seasons were not so clearly defined.
As well as most of us having the opportunity to eat out of season foods, the type and variety of foods seems to be ever increasing as food companies are constantly looking for new market opportunities.
But, I feel, whatever dietary we chose there are consequences that ultimately we are responsible for.

For me personally, my ultimate diet would be all local, foraged or home grown fruit, grown without chemicals or animal by-products, and grown in such a way that allowed for sharing with other creatures. So no killing or trapping of animals who also wanted to share the fruit.
When I buy fruit from a farmer I do not know, then I have to face the fact that he or she may put up barbed wire to kill Fruitbats, or they may kill so called 'pests'.
Also, the transportation of fruit will have an negative impact on our environment.

But as we do not all live in Edenic fruit gardens, then I feel that we have to make the most appropriate choice we can, and accept that there may be compromises in the way our food was grown or transported.

By planting fruit trees and spreading fruit seeds, then I think I can help to rebalance a little bit the harm my diet may cause to the Planet.
In the end, life is all about balance and, I feel, making the most optimal choices that we can, given our present circumstances.
So whilst some of my food choices may not be my ideal, I hope to strive for making the best choice I could at the time, whilst still being aware of the consequences of my diet.

And I also feel that it is important to be very thankful to all the trees, the tree planters, the growers, the pickers, the sellers and the drivers and pilots who make my life so enjoyable and healthy because they combine to bring me beautiful fruit ♥
And I have been very fortunate that they have brought  me so many Wonderful Oranges over the past 79 days ♥
                                      ♥ Thank You ♥

Fruity Fare ♥
Morning—14 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon
Midday—14 Syrup Balls, juiced with a Spoon.
Afternoon 4 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon, 4 syrup Balls, juiced in my mouth.

Fruitful Exercise ♥
40 minutes workout
20 minutes arm and hand exercises.

Have Beautiful and Happy Days ♥
Love and Peaches XX.

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