
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Three Weeks on Blood Orange Juice ♥

It has been my very great pleasure to have done three weeks on mono Blood Orange juice.
The Blood Orange season is about complete, and I have my last few Beautiful Blood Oranges.
I am just so glad that I had the priviledge of three weeks on this amazing fruit.
It has been a very special time ♥
I have felt wonderful; clear and clean in mind and body, have played and worked with Beautiful Blood Orange energy, felt flexible and free, and felt a loving connection with the Wonderful World around me.
I found this time priceless, the season was so short and I was able to gain so much from it. I also felt very much in-tune with the time of year just because of the seasonability of this special fruit ♥
I guess on average I was juicing 24–26 Oranges per day, although this varied a bit due to their varying size.
I am very thankful and this time will stay with me always.
Much Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX ♥

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day Sweet Sixteen Mono Blood Orange Juice ♥

I thought this photo of a Blood Orange looked like a map of the world!
I am on Day 16 of Mono Blood Orange juice.
I am pretty excited because I have never been on a Mono Blood Orange juice diet before. I mostly lived off Blood Oranges in March 1995, when I was in Malta, but I did have some other fruits a few times during the month.
The Bloods have been of superb quality; some big, some small, some with marbled skin, some with orange skin — but all delicious.
The season will not be on for much longer, so I am delighted that I have been able to make the most of the very seasonal Blood Oranges ♥
They have taken my Orange juice experience to a whole new level.
I am consuming about 1.5 litres of juice per day.
My energy is great, I am finding my morning workout easier and more fun to do.
I am sleeping very well.
My flexibility is improved.
Life is good ♥

So I am eternally grateful to the Australian Blood Orange trees, and also to the Australian Blood Orange farmers.

Thank you for reading ♥
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX♥

Thursday, October 7, 2010

♥ Day 8 Blood Orange Juice ♥

Day 8 on Mono Blood Orange juice.
I must say that I find Blood Oranges to be one of the most striking of all fruits.
They are sometimes beautifully gradiated with colour; starting from orangey-yellow, through red, to purple.
Here is one I juiced (in my mouth ) today.
I felt it was just so Beautiful ♥ that I had to capture its Tequila Sunrise colours on my camera.

Such a Beautiful Fruit with such a beautiful taste. I do think that fruit lovers are blessed with the most divine looking food ♥

I have been juicing between 16–20 Oranges each day, this feels like a good amount for me at the moment.
I have had good energy, and feel very satisfied with the quality and ripeness of the lovely Bloods.

Cappi, my son, and I went out with our trolley today to find some more of these Beauties. We combined food hunting with exersise, sunshine, and homeschooling as we did mental maths and spelling on our walk; so some great mulitasking and we got to bring home some delicious fruit.

I feel very blessed and happy today ♥
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

♥ 7 Days on Blood Orange Juice ♥

This is my seventh day on Blood Orange juice.
Blood Oranges are one of my favourites of all the fruits. There is something very special about their delicious, rich, Mulberry wine flavour, and they are not only beautiful to look at and a delight to eat, but they are full of goodness.
Bloods have up to twice the Vitamin C content of their more orangey cousins.
Their Australian season is short but deliciously sweet.
Blood Oranges can be a little hard to track down; supermarkets rarely stock them, it is usually fruit shops that are home to these litttle purple juice balls.

Blood Oranges make an excellent juice, just using a simple hand-juicer you can get so much juice out of them.

Bloods originated in Sicily, hundreds of years ago, and in 1995, I was fortunate to be in Malta in Sicilian Blood Orange season. Malta is a beautiful island and due too her proximity to Sicily there were bags of Sicilian Blood Oranges in every small grocery store.

I found out that the colour of the Blood Orange is caused by the colour pigment and antioxidant anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are also found in Mulberries and Raspberries, and that may be why, to me,  the Blood Orange has flavours of  Raspberries and Mulberries in it.

In contrast the colour pigment of the Cara Cara Navel Orange is not due to anthocyanin but to the antioxidant lycopene.

I usually eat mostly local fruit, but I make an exception for the Bloods, which come from the Southern part of Australia.
To get that really deep and tasty pigmentation, Bloods need to experience the cooler and drier nights. So whilst they will grow in Queensland, they will not develop the purply-red colour and taste.

So I give much thanks and gratitude to the trees and farmers of  Southern Australia for providing me with the truly delightful Blood Orange ♥ ♥ ♥

Love and Peaches and Beauty Days,
from Anne XX ♥