
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

♥ Day 76 Mono Orange Juice ♥

Day 76 ♥
Today was the meeting of our local Fruit Club,  the Sub-Tropical Fruit Club of Queensland.
I Love Fruit Club. Not only are an amazing bunch of fruit-loving, fruit-growers gathered together, but there is a raffle for baby fruit trees and a huge fruit supper, as well as a guest speaker.

Tonight's speaker was a very interesting guy, Bruce Ham, who talked all about the relevance of geology to fruit-growing. Something I had not given much thought to before, so I learnt a lot. Bruce talked about how the underlying rock formation of an area affects which minerals the soil has, and which it may be lacking, and also which rocks give the best soil conditions. Bruce also talked about which minerals to addd to which soils from an organic grower's viewpoint
So Thank You very much Bruce for some interesting and important information 

I kind of knew that there would be no Oranges for me at the fruit supper, because Citrus is not in season here, so I juiced-up before I went out.
The lovely home-grown fruit on offer included: Purple Finger Limes, Jackfruit, Purple and White Dragon Fruit (Pitaya), Mangoes, Peaches, Lychees, Longans, Guava, and Hoshi Gaki-style dried Persimmon.

Earlier in the evening, before supper, I was sitting in my chair when the president of the club, George, presented me with a Beautiful Jackfruit, fresh picked that evening and fully ripe, straight from his tree.
Thank You George ♥
It smelt so good. I think the best fruity smell, I have smelt since starting my Orange juice diet.
Jack needs to be eaten tomorrrow due to his perfect ripeness.
So I may stop my Orange Juice and have it for breakfast—or I may not.
Wild horses could not drag Cappi away from having it for his breakfast. He Loves Jackfruit with a passion. And he spent suppertime at the Club eating from a large platter of Jackfruit (another one of George's). So If I do break my diet, it will be a great way to go, on such a Beautiful gift ♥

Cappi got a lovely-sized Asher's Special Sapotaceae tree from the raffle and I got a beautiful Black Sapote baby tree.
So all-in-all it was a very wonderful evening ♥

I really feel that Fruit Clubs are a fantastic way to connect fruit eaters with those who grow and have much knowledge and passion about fruit.
Us fruit eaters need great fruit and these guys grow the Best ♥ They are Champs ♥

Fruity Fare ♥
Morning—10 Syrup balls, juiced with a spoon, 2 Syrup Balls, juiced in my mouth.
Late Morning—20 syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon, 2 Syrup Balls, juiced in my mouth.
Afternoon—10 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon, 2 Syrup Balls, juiced in my mouth.

Fruitful Exercise ♥
20 minutes, leg and stomach exercises.

Have Wonderful Days ♥
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.

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