
Friday, February 12, 2010

♥ Day78 Mono Orange Juice ♥

Day 78 ♥
Now as you might expect, during this 78 days on Orange Juice my body shape has altered a bit.
I feel no less energy and endurance despite the loss in weight.
And I am pleased to find that I am really liking my body. Sure it may be a little lean for some people's tastes, but it certainly feels very efficient, as if it is working really well and with no extra body fat or fluid to hamper its movements and inner workings.
And I very much appreciate this feeling of efficiency in my body.
I feel very fluid and lose and I like the way my body looks.
One aspect is I feel very feminine still and I am still having my female cycle, but my body does not look as typically 'womanly', not so many curves for me at the moment!
But as I was watering the fruit trees this evening, I just felt a sense of being very happy with my body shape and very grateful to have been able to experience this change in my physical body that has come with the Orange juice diet.

Some thoughts I had as to why exercise could be more effortless on my Orange juice diet are that my limbs weigh less, and also that my muscles are less tense and my joints have an improved range of movement.

I think that the more comfortable and happy we feel about our bodies when we are fasting or juice dieting, then the less other people's concern's or views will affect us.
Because others may not have fasted before, and because our body's appearance may be very different from their own, it may be challenging for some folk to comprehend the leaner stage that we are going through.
Also, if our bodies feel good and are working well, then this is a strong sign to me that whilst the body weight is certainly lower, the functioning of the body is effective; and hence the body is getting its needs met.

When I prematurely ended my  52 day Orange juice diet, in 1995, it was because I was paying more attention to the concerns of others, rather than listening to my own body and its needs.
I only want to disembark from this Orange Juice Train when I have reached the right stop for me

Toot Toot!

Fruity Fare ♥
Morning—5 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon
Midday—16 Syrup Balls, juiced with a spoon.
Afternoon— 14 Organic Valencis, juiced with a spoon, 6 Organic Valencias, juiced in my mouth.

Fruitful Exercise ♥
40 minutes fast walking
20 minutes weights and stomach exercises.

Have Sweet and Fruitful Days ♥
Love and Peaches XX.

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