
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tips For Making Fruit and Vegetable Juices


Tip 1 - Do I use a Fruit Blender or a Fruit Juicer?

A blender would be recommended if most of the fruits and vegetables blended to juice are of the fibrous type. Such fruits and vegetables would include celery and pineapple. A blender would separate the fruit residue from the juice after blending, which would save you the trouble of straining your fruit juice.

A juicer on the other hand is more suitable for soft fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers and kiwis. Take note that straining has to done if one wants to enjoy their juice without residue when using a juicer

Tip 2 - Use only fresh ingredients

Fruits and vegetables tend to lose their nutrients once they are left uneaten after a long period, especially after being exposed to heat. This will cause fruits and vegetables to turn bad easily, and lose their flavour and nutritive value. Also, since fruits are eaten raw, it is even more important that fresh and clean fruits are used so the juices made can be safe for consumption.

Tip 3- Prepare the juices quickly

The longer time you take to prepare your juice, the more nutrients you lose. Once the juice is blended, pour out immediately and serve. Refrain from over blending as juice becomes bitter after awhile

Tip 4- Add ice for better tasting juice  

Trust me on this one. Ice added to juice makes the drink more refreshing. It also helps make thick juices easier for consumption as it dilutes the juice slightly. Crushed ice can be added together with the fruits during blending. This not only helps the juice taste better, but also reduces bubbling and prevents the fruit juices from oxidizing. Thus, the colour of the fruit juice would look more appealing and less vitamins will be lost along the way.

Tip 5- Add lemon juice at the last stage of juice preparation

This make the juice much more delicious and gives your juice a nice fragrance as you serve the drink to yourself, family and friends!

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